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Q. Since a remote control app has been detected, you may not apply for withdrawal.

  •  Q. Since a remote control app has been detected, you may not apply for withdrawal. 

    • As damage cases of withdrawal have continuously occurred due to remote control programs for phone financial scams, we inform you that withdrawal will be restricted to prevent additional damages from occurring if a remote control app is detected.


    • Digital asset withdrawal not available when a remote control app is detected

    * You can check the name of a detected program in a popup. Withdrawal can be processed normally after the program is deleted. 

    For safe transactions, delete the remote control app first and then apply for withdrawal. 

    [How to prevent when personal information is leaked] 

    1. If you have clicked a URL or an app sent to KakaoTalk or a text message, you should delete the app and initialize your mobile phone. 

    2. If a remote app has been installed, remote control may be occurring even at this moment, so please turn off your phone and remove the USIM card. 

    3. In order to prevent financial transaction attempts under identity theft, register accident prevention through 『Consumer Protection > Register/Cancel Personal Information Exposure』 on FINE, the information portal for financial consumers.

    (However, when registering accident prevention, registration for surety insurance upon new account sign-up, credit card issuance, and installment purchase of a mobile phone terminal may be restricted.) 

    4. Through 『Log in with certificate > Identity Theft Prevention Service > Registered Account Viewing Service』 on Msafer, you can check if you are registered in mobile carriers other than the one you have registered. If you find the number that you have not applied for, request for cancellation to the corresponding mobile carrier.

    5. If there is any leaked financial information (card number, bank information, etc.), contact the corresponding bank, report the loss, and change the password. 

    6. If there is a history of remittance from your account to another person’s account, or if there is an amount of money deposited in your bank account by someone you do not know, request the bank for account suspension immediately. 

    7. Report to the National Police Agency (☎ 112) or Financial Supervisory Service (☎ 1332) without an area code. 

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