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Verification of name
failure notice

Please enter the information based on your own resident registration

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Please input your name and foreigner registration number.

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  1. When the DOB, gender, name information cannot be verified

    Please use after online real-name registration at the name check (www.niceid.co.kr) site. Using a PC is recommended as it may not be processed properly on your mobile phone.

  2. Other notification

    Please note that a temporary browser or network failure may occur due to a system or networking error. If you experience this, try again later or contact our customer service on +82 1622 1522.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

To verify your ID before allowing access to our services, we will
collect and use the following data:

  • - Data Collected: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreign Registration Number
  • - Data Retained: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreigner Status
  • - Purpose of Use: (Real Name) Identity Verification and Foreigner Status Check
  • - Used & Stored: until membership withdrawal

※ All members have the right to refuse consent to collection and
use of their personal data by third party. Please note, however, that the service will not be available if consent is refused.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

BTC Korea.Com Co., Ltd. provides the personal information of our valued members only with their consent to third parties that are directly related to our services and regulates all necessary means to ensure the data is safely managed under the related laws. The personal information handling third-party agency and entrusted tasks are as follows:

  • - Data Provided: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreign Registration Number
  • - Agency: NICE Information Service Co., Ltd.
  • - Purpose: (Real Name) Identity Verification and Foreigner Status Check
  • - Data Retained: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreigner Status
  • - Processed & Stored: for 5 years at NICE Information Services Co., Ltd.
    : To be disposed of at membership withdrawal

※ All members have the right to refuse consent to disclosure of their personal data to the third party. Please note, however, that the service will not be available if consent is refused.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

To verify your ID before allowing access to our services, we will collect and use the following data:

  • - Data Collected: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreign Registration Number
  • - Data Retained: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreigner Status
  • - Purpose of Use: (Real Name) Identity Verification and Foreigner Status Check
  • - Used & Stored: until membership withdrawal

※ All members have the right to refuse consent to collection and use of their personal data by third party. Please note, however, that the service will not be available if consent is refused.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

BTC Korea.Com Co., Ltd. provides the personal information of our valued members only with their consent to third parties that are directly related to our services and regulates all necessary means to ensure the data is safely managed under the related laws. The personal information handling third-party agency and entrusted tasks are as follows:

  • - Data Provided: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreign Registration Number
  • - Agency: NICE Information Service Co., Ltd.
  • - Purpose: (Real Name) Identity Verification and Foreigner Status Check
  • - Data Retained: Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Foreigner Status
  • - Processed & Stored: for 5 years at NICE Information Services Co., Ltd.
    : To be disposed of at membership withdrawal

※ All members have the right to refuse consent to collection and use of their personal data by third party. Please note, however, that the service will not be available if consent is refused.

약관 히스토리 날짜 선택

이미 가입된 계정이 있습니다.

    • 부계정에 자산이 있는지 확인이 필요하시거나, 주계정 서비스에 대해 궁금하신 사항은 고객센터(1661-5566)를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

    Suspend foreigners' sign-up.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    Your request for CDD has been rejected.
    Please register for CDD again.

    반려 고객은 7일 이내 고객확인을 다시 진행하지 않을 경우, 고객님의 모든 계정이 차단될 수 있습니다.

    반려 사유는 알림톡(SMS)을 확인하시거나, 고객센터(1661-5566)로 문의해 주세요.

    To register for CDD,
    scan the QR code or use the Bithumb app.


    고객확인 미등록 계정은 출금 및
    상품•서비스 이용이 불가 합니다.
    고객확인 등록을 진행해 주세요.

    계좌 연결을 하셔야
    원화 마켓 및 상품•서비스
    이용이 가능합니다.
    계좌를 연결해 주세요.



    BTC OPEN Season 1 has ended.

    We will be coming back with Season 2.
    Thank you.

    약관 히스토리 날짜 선택
    약관 히스토리 날짜 선택
    약관 히스토리 날짜 선택