To register for CDD,
scan the QR code or use the Bithumb app.
■ Do you wish to Access API?
- You can configure the API access feature in Account MGMT > API management.
- You can select 7 options under the API activation accessibility menu - Bithumb member's wallet informatiotn, orders, Buy order, Sell order, Trade cancellation,
Member's trade log, and Digital Asset Withdrawal.
- We advise you to take caution when registering an API, especially when giving access to virtual assets
[Security Authentication]
- Enter your security password.
- Request SMS authentication.
- Request SMS authentication, then click the Generate API KEY button.
- The activation button will appear below. Click the activation button to authenticate.
- Bithumb API is available for use by authentication through email and SMS for regular members and simplified members, respectively.
[API list in use]
- Copy the Secret Key from the list of API in use and manage it securely.
- Please keep the Secret Key issued in a secure place as you cannot view it again once you click the activation button.
- Please click the activation button. An API can be activated and used only if you click the activation button and authenticate by email or SMS.
[General Sign-Up]
- If you are a regular member, you can check the authentication email sent to the email address you used to register.
- Please check the authentication email and verify to activate the API.
■ Do you wish to delete the API?
- To delete an API, click the Delete button in the list of API in use.
- Once an API Key is deleted, it cannot be restored.
■ You can configure an accessible IP.
- If you configure an IP, the API is available for use only from that IP.
- If you enter an address when configuring the API withdrawal, you will only be able to make withdrawals to that address.
Your request for CDD has been rejected.
Please register for CDD again.
반려 고객은 7일 이내 고객확인을 다시 진행하지 않을 경우, 고객님의 모든 계정이 차단될 수 있습니다.
반려 사유는 알림톡(SMS)을 확인하시거나, 고객센터(1661-5566)로 문의해 주세요.
To register for CDD,
scan the QR code or use the Bithumb app.
고객확인 미등록 계정은 출금 및
상품•서비스 이용이 불가 합니다.
고객확인 등록을 진행해 주세요.
NH농협은행 계좌 연결을 하셔야
원화 마켓 및 상품•서비스
이용이 가능합니다.
계좌를 연결해 주세요.
BTC OPEN Season 1 has ended.
We will be coming back with Season 2.
Thank you.