To register for CDD,
scan the QR code or use the Bithumb app.
■ Would you like tocheck your held assets?
Held assets can be checkedat Wallet management > Asset status.
① My assets : You can check the balance for each asset you hold.
② Asset details : You can check yourheld assets, value, and profit & loss.
③ Available assets for transaction :You can check the transaction status for each asset you hold.
④ Profit & loss status : You canrefer to the investment profit/loss status per time period.
※ Profit & Loss Status shows the profit andloss calculated by the principal and the amount of net deposits made for aspecified time period, which can be used as reference for profit assessment.Frequent deposits and withdrawals as well as their amounts may result ininaccurate assessment and differ from the actual profit and loss for the timeperiod. So, please use this as reference only. We do not take responsibilityfor any loss in trading based on this data.
Your request for CDD has been rejected.
Please register for CDD again.
반려 고객은 7일 이내 고객확인을 다시 진행하지 않을 경우, 고객님의 모든 계정이 차단될 수 있습니다.
반려 사유는 알림톡(SMS)을 확인하시거나, 고객센터(1661-5566)로 문의해 주세요.
To register for CDD,
scan the QR code or use the Bithumb app.
고객확인 미등록 계정은 출금 및
상품•서비스 이용이 불가 합니다.
고객확인 등록을 진행해 주세요.
NH농협은행 계좌 연결을 하셔야
원화 마켓 및 상품•서비스
이용이 가능합니다.
계좌를 연결해 주세요.
BTC OPEN Season 1 has ended.
We will be coming back with Season 2.
Thank you.